Make Decisions That Build a Thriving Business

With Bookkeeping You Understand

in just 6 weeks.

Next Session Starts Tuesday, May 6th!

Control Your Destiny

Run Your Business With Confidence

Build Wealth for Your Future

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Take the Guesswork out of Bookkeeping for Your Business

As a business owner, you have to make money decisions every single day. And financials are so much more than filing taxes. You need to feel confident in your numbers so you can price for consistent margins, know how much money you have to hire contractors and employees, and make investment decisions to help your business grow. 


In just 6 weeks, we’ll help you set up your books so that your numbers are accurate, you understand what they are telling you, and you can confidently make decisions to grow.

Expert Guidance

From financial advising to accounting to bookkeeping, we have the experts you need to set things up the right way to live well now, and in the future.


Our weekly call format means you’re accountable to show up to learn, ask questions, and dig in. Our clients have found, if it’s on the schedule, it gets done.

Custom Design

Every business is not the same. That’s why we clean up your books, outline and prioritize your business goals, and align your books to your unique offerings.

Our Clients Build the Business They Want to Live Well Now...

and in the Future

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I’m not laying in bed worrying about whether or not I’m making the right decisions about expenses anymore. I know exactly what my cash flow is and will be and what I can afford to do. Now it’s just a matter of prioritizing what’s next.

Tina Smith

Creative, LLC - Atlanta, GA

I feel empowered to make financial decisions now. I have funded my taxes, setup a retirement plan, and I'm excited about having numbers I understand.


eXp Realtor

The weekly working sessions I attend make me feel like I'm winning my day.


Fitness Gym Owner

From QuickBooks, taxes, business profit planning and tax planning, the attention to detail, answering questions and moral support are wonderful. They listen, understand, communicate and respond well.

BJ Lee

Your Personal Gardner, Inc.

It's not just about prosperity later, but also about living well now. Stapf CPA is responsive, organized, and they communicate clearly. They are also compassionate and caring, as we've worked through some of the difficulties that life brings together.

Colleen Palmateer

New Spirit Yoga, LLC
Right Quotation Mark-01

Control Your Numbers = Control Your Business

Our Client's Success Looks Like...

Predictable Cash FlowIncreased Product MarginsConsistent Owner’s PayDecreased Anxiety Over New InvestmentsRegular Profit PayoutsGrowth In Company Stock Value

Here’s How We Help You

Make Decisions Your Business Can Support


Clean Up

If you’re like most of our clients, your bookkeeping works just well enough to file your taxes. We start with 6 weeks of 90-minute sessions to show you what is possible with your numbers and help you clean the slate. Seeing clearly where you are today allows us to define how to get to the future.

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Set Up

You’ve got ideas about how you’d like to grow. We identify what you need to track so you can know if your current business numbers will support the growth. Then we help you understand what your numbers mean, so you can make a definitive plan to capture the easiest ways to succeed.

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Level Up

With a clear and accurate picture and a plan in hand, we will advise you of the best ways to integrate and automate your systems. Then you can spend less time working on the books and more time making good decisions from numbers you can trust.

Stapf CPA FAQs

We keep up with the latest in business finance, so we can share it with you.

We believe the best way to collaborate with an expert on your numbers is to be able to share real-time access. We also know technology changes constantly. We’ve been using Quickbooks for over 30 years, and we’ve taken the time to master what’s possible with the QB software. That way we stay in the cloud and up to date with all the latest best practices.

Outsourcing your finances can look enticing. And at some point, bookkeeping will not be the best use of your time. But we firmly believe YOU should dig in to know and understand your numbers in detail. That way, when the time comes, you can direct an outsourced team to follow the processes you put in place to support your goals. That also gives you the upper hand on being able to spot when the numbers just don’t “add up.”

Get Numbers You Can Use

even faster than you think!

Clean Up

$1,750 / 6 weeks

  • Meet 2 days each week
  • 90 minutes each day
  • Direction from expert financial advisors
  • Ask questions in small group of business owners
  • One-on-one breakouts with accoutants for specific or private discussions
  • Best practice discussions in group setting
  • Account setup
  • Report configuration you can use to run your business NOW!
  • Recommendations for apps, automations and integrations

Weekly Workshop

$97 / Month

  • Weekly group bookkeeping sessions
  • Troubleshoot while you work
  • Accounting experts available while you work
  • Breakout rooms available for private advice and discussions
  • Accountability to stay in your numbers
  • Discussion on what to track and how to track it
  • Advice on taxes, investments, payroll, loans, banking, benefits, and more
  • Access your accountant every week

We need just a little information,

and we'll make sure you get to the right place, right away.

Kick Uncertainty to the Curb with Numbers You Can Believe

When you’re in charge of your books, you can make decisions from a position of strength.

  • Anxiety

  • Control

Contact Us

Phone: 410.442.9939
Fax: 410.442.1150