Expert Guidance
From financial advising to accounting to bookkeeping, we have the experts you need to set things up the right way to live well now, and in the future.
Our weekly call format means you’re accountable to show up to learn, ask questions, and dig in. Our clients have found, if it’s on the schedule, it gets done.
Custom Design
Every business is not the same. That’s why we clean up your books, outline and prioritize your business goals, and align your books to your unique offerings.
Control Your Numbers = Control Your Business
Here’s How We Help You
Make Decisions Your Business Can Support
Clean Up
If you’re like most of our clients, your bookkeeping works just well enough to file your taxes. We start with 6 weeks of 90-minute sessions to show you what is possible with your numbers and help you clean the slate. Seeing clearly where you are today allows us to define how to get to the future.
Set Up
You’ve got ideas about how you’d like to grow. We identify what you need to track so you can know if your current business numbers will support the growth. Then we help you understand what your numbers mean, so you can make a definitive plan to capture the easiest ways to succeed.
Level Up
With a clear and accurate picture and a plan in hand, we will advise you of the best ways to integrate and automate your systems. Then you can spend less time working on the books and more time making good decisions from numbers you can trust.
Get Numbers You Can Use
even faster than you think!
Clean Up
$1,750 / 6 weeks
- Meet 2 days each week
- 90 minutes each day
- Direction from expert financial advisors
- Ask questions in small group of business owners
- One-on-one breakouts with accoutants for specific or private discussions
- Best practice discussions in group setting
- Account setup
- Report configuration you can use to run your business NOW!
- Recommendations for apps, automations and integrations
Weekly Workshop
$97 / Month
- Weekly group bookkeeping sessions
- Troubleshoot while you work
- Accounting experts available while you work
- Breakout rooms available for private advice and discussions
- Accountability to stay in your numbers
- Discussion on what to track and how to track it
- Advice on taxes, investments, payroll, loans, banking, benefits, and more
- Access your accountant every week
We need just a little information,
and we'll make sure you get to the right place, right away.